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they are always giggling

  • 1 be

    be [bi:]
    être1 (a)-(c), 1 (f), 1 (h), 1 (i), 1 (m), 1 (o), 1 (p), 2 aller1 (d) avoir1 (e) mesurer1 (g) coûter1 (j) il y a1 (k) voici, voilà1 (l) faire1 (n), 1 (q) aller, venir1 (o) Dans les question tags2 (j)
    (pres 1st sing am [əm, stressed æm], pres 2nd sing are [ə, stressed ɑ:(r)], pres 3rd sing is [ɪz], pres pl
    are [ə, stressed ɑ:(r)], pt 1st sing was [wəz, stressed wɒz], pt 2nd sing were [wə, stressed wɜ:(r)], pt 3rd sing was [wəz, stressed wɒz], pt pl were [wə, stressed wɜ:(r)], pp been [bi:n], cont being ['bi:ɪŋ])
    ⓘ GRAM À l'oral et dans un style familier à l'écrit, le verbe be peut être contracté: I am devient I'm, he/she/it is deviennent he's/she's/it's et you/we/they are deviennent you're/we're/they're. Les formes négatives is not/are not/was not et were not se contractent respectivement en isn't/aren't/wasn't et weren't.
    (a) (exist, live) être, exister;
    I think, therefore I am je pense, donc je suis;
    to be or not to be être ou ne pas être;
    God is Dieu existe;
    the greatest scientist that ever was le plus grand savant qui ait jamais existé ou de tous les temps;
    there are no such things as ghosts les fantômes n'existent pas;
    she's a genius if ever there was one c'est ou voilà un génie si jamais il en fut;
    as happy as can be heureux comme un roi;
    that may be, but… cela se peut, mais…, peut-être, mais…
    (b) (used to identify, describe) être;
    she is my sister c'est ma sœur;
    I'm Elaine je suis ou je m'appelle Elaine;
    she's a doctor/engineer elle est médecin/ingénieur;
    the glasses were crystal les verres étaient en cristal;
    he is American il est américain, c'est un Américain;
    be careful! soyez prudent!;
    to be frank… pour être franc…, franchement…;
    being the boy's mother, I have a right to know étant la mère de l'enfant, j'ai le droit de savoir;
    the situation being what or as it is… la situation étant ce qu'elle est…;
    the problem is knowing or is to know when to stop le problème, c'est de savoir quand s'arrêter;
    the rule is: when in doubt, don't do it la règle c'est: dans le doute abstiens-toi;
    seeing is believing voir, c'est croire;
    just be yourself soyez vous-même, soyez naturel;
    you be Batman and I'll be Robin (children playing) on dirait que tu es Batman et moi je suis Robin
    he was angry/tired il était fâché/fatigué;
    I am hungry/thirsty/afraid j'ai faim/soif/peur;
    my feet/hands are frozen j'ai les pieds gelés/mains gelées
    (d) (indicating health) aller, se porter;
    how are you? comment allez-vous?, comment ça va?;
    I am fine ça va;
    he is not well il est malade, il ne va pas bien
    how old are you? quel âge avez-vous?;
    I'm twelve (years old) j'ai douze ans;
    it's different when you're fifty ce n'est pas pareil quand on a cinquante ans;
    you'll see when you're fifty tu verras quand tu auras cinquante ans
    the cake was on the table le gâteau était sur la table;
    the hotel is next to the river l'hôtel se trouve ou est près de la rivière;
    be there at nine o'clock soyez-y à neuf heures;
    where was I? où étais-je?; figurative (in book, speech) où en étais-je?
    the table is one metre long la table fait un mètre de long;
    how tall is he? combien mesure-t-il?;
    he is two metres tall il mesure ou fait deux mètres;
    the school is two kilometres from here l'école est à deux kilomètres d'ici
    (h) (indicating time, date) être;
    it's five o'clock il est cinq heures;
    yesterday was Monday hier on était ou c'était lundi;
    today is Tuesday nous sommes ou c'est mardi aujourd'hui;
    what date is it today? le combien sommes-nous aujourd'hui?;
    it's the 16th of December nous sommes ou c'est le 16 décembre
    (i) (happen, occur) être, avoir lieu;
    the concert is on Saturday night le concert est ou a lieu samedi soir;
    when is your birthday? quand est ou c'est quand ton anniversaire?;
    the spring holidays are in March this year les vacances de printemps tombent en mars cette année;
    how is it that you arrived so quickly? comment se fait-il que vous soyez arrivé si vite?
    how much is this table? combien coûte ou vaut cette table?;
    it is expensive ça coûte ou c'est cher;
    the phone bill is £75 la facture de téléphone est de 75 livres
    (k) (with "there")
    there is, there are il y a, literary il est;
    there is or has been no snow il n'y a pas de neige;
    there are six of them ils sont ou il y en a six;
    what is there to do? qu'est-ce qu'il y a à faire?;
    there will be swimming on nagera;
    there is nothing funny about it il n'y a rien d'amusant là-dedans, ce n'est pas drôle;
    there's no telling what she'll do il est impossible de prévoir ce qu'elle va faire
    this is my friend John voici mon ami John;
    here are the reports you wanted voici les rapports que vous vouliez;
    there is our car voilà notre voiture;
    there are the others voilà les autres;
    here I am me voici;
    there you are! (I've found you) ah, te voilà!; (take this) tiens, voilà!;
    now there's an idea! voilà une bonne idée!
    who is it? - it's us! qui est-ce? - c'est nous!;
    it was your mother who decided c'est ta mère qui a décidé;
    formal it is I who am to blame c'est moi le responsable
    it is cold/hot/grey il fait froid/chaud/gris;
    it is windy il y a du vent
    (o) (go) aller, être; (come) être, venir;
    she's been to visit her mother elle a été ou est allée rendre visite à sa mère;
    I have never been to China je ne suis jamais allé ou je n'ai jamais été en Chine;
    have you been home since Christmas? est-ce que tu es rentré (chez toi) depuis Noël?;
    has the plumber been? le plombier est-il (déjà) passé?;
    wait for us, we'll be there in ten minutes attends-nous, nous serons là dans dix minutes;
    there's no need to rush, we'll be there in ten minutes inutile de se presser, nous y serons dans dix minutes;
    he was into/out of the house in a flash il est entré dans/sorti de la maison en coup de vent;
    I know, I've been there je sais, j'y suis allé; figurative je sais, j'ai connu ça;
    she is from Egypt elle vient d'Égypte;
    your brother has been and gone votre frère est venu et reparti;
    someone had been there in her absence quelqu'un est venu pendant son absence;
    British familiar he's only been and wrecked the car! il est allé casser la voiture!;
    British familiar now you've been (and gone) and done it! (caused trouble, broken something) et voilà, c'est réussi!
    (p) (indicating hypothesis, supposition)
    if I were you si j'étais vous ou à votre place;
    if we were younger si nous étions plus jeunes;
    formal were it not for my sister sans ma sœur;
    formal were it not for their contribution, the school would close sans leur assistance, l'école serait obligée de fermer
    1 and 1 are 2 1 et 1 font 2;
    what is 5 less 3? combien fait 5 moins 3?
    he is having breakfast il prend ou il est en train de prendre son petit déjeuner;
    they are always giggling ils sont toujours en train de glousser;
    where are you going? où allez-vous?;
    a problem which is getting worse and worse un problème qui s'aggrave;
    I have just been thinking about you je pensais justement à toi;
    we've been waiting hours for you ça fait des heures que nous t'attendons;
    when will she be leaving? quand est-ce qu'elle part ou va-t-elle partir?;
    what are you going to do about it? qu'est-ce que vous allez ou comptez faire?;
    why aren't you working? - but I AM working! pourquoi ne travaillez-vous pas? - mais je travaille!
    she is known as a good negotiator elle est connue pour ses talents de négociatrice;
    the car was found la voiture a été retrouvée;
    plans are being made on fait des projets;
    what is left to do? qu'est-ce qui reste à faire?;
    smoking is not permitted il est interdit ou défendu de fumer;
    socks are sold by the pair les chaussettes se vendent par deux;
    it is said/thought/assumed that... on dit/pense/suppose que...;
    to be continued (TV programme, serialized story) à suivre;
    not to be confused with à ne pas confondre avec
    (c) (with infinitive → indicating future event)
    the next meeting is to take place on Wednesday la prochaine réunion aura lieu mercredi;
    he's to be the new headmaster c'est lui qui sera le nouveau directeur;
    she was to become a famous pianist elle allait devenir une pianiste renommée;
    we were never to see him again nous ne devions jamais le revoir
    (d) (with infinitive → indicating expected event)
    they were to have been married in June ils devaient se marier en juin
    (e) (with infinitive → indicating obligation)
    I'm to be home by ten o'clock il faut que je rentre avant dix heures;
    you are not to speak to strangers il ne faut pas parler aux inconnus
    (f) (with infinitive → expressing opinion)
    you are to be congratulated on doit vous féliciter;
    they are to be pitied ils sont à plaindre
    (g) (with infinitive → requesting information)
    are we then to assume that taxes will decrease? faut-il ou doit-on en conclure que les impôts vont diminuer?;
    what am I to say to them? qu'est-ce que je vais leur dire?
    (h) (with passive infinitive → indicating possibility)
    bargains are to be found even in the West End on peut faire de bonnes affaires même dans le West End;
    she was not to be dissuaded rien ne devait ou il fut impossible de lui faire changer d'avis
    (i) formal (with infinitive → indicating hypothesis)
    if he were or were he to die s'il venait à mourir, à supposer qu'il meure
    he's always causing trouble, isn't he? - yes, he is il est toujours en train de créer des problèmes, n'est-ce pas? - oui, toujours;
    you're back, are you? vous êtes revenu alors?;
    you're not leaving already, are you? vous ne partez pas déjà, j'espère?
    is she satisfied? - she is est-elle satisfaite? - oui(, elle l'est);
    you're angry - no I'm not - oh yes you are! tu es fâché - non - mais si!;
    it's a touching scene - not for me, it isn't c'est une scène émouvante - je ne trouve pas ou pas pour moi;
    I was pleased to see him but the children weren't (moi,) j'étais content de le voir mais pas les enfants
    we're finished nous avons terminé;
    Religion Christ is risen (le) Christ est ressucité;
    when I looked again, they were gone quand j'ai regardé de nouveau, ils étaient partis
    the husband-to-be le futur mari;
    the father-to-be le futur père
    quoi qu'il en soit

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > be

  • 2 tonto

    1 silly, dull, empty-headed, foolish.
    2 silly, footling, foolish.
    3 useless, dumb.
    4 stupefied.
    fool, blockhead, dunce, idiot.
    * * *
    1 silly, stupid, US dumb
    ¡qué idea más tonta! what a stupid idea!
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 fool, idiot
    a tontas y a locas without rhyme or reason
    hacer el tonto / hacer la tonta to act the fool
    hacerse el tonto / hacerse la tonta to play dumb
    ponerse tonto,-a familiar to get stroppy
    tonto,-a de remate / tonto,-a de capirote familiar prize idiot
    un,-a tonto,-a del bote familiar a right berk, a real twerp
    * * *
    1. (f. - tonta)
    2. (f. - tonta)
    foolish, stupid
    * * *
    tonto, -a
    1. ADJ
    1) [persona]
    a) (=bobo) [dicho con afecto] silly; [dicho con enfado] stupid

    venga, vente con nosotros, ¡no seas tonto! — come on, come with us, don't be silly!

    ¡qué tonto soy! — how silly o stupid of me!

    ¿tú te has creído que yo soy tonto?, ¿me tomas por tonto? — do you think I'm stupid?

    b) [poco inteligente] stupid

    ¡y parecía tonto! — and we thought he was stupid!

    a lo tonto —

    ¿para qué esforzarse a lo tonto? — why go to all that trouble for nothing?

    y a lo tonto, a lo tonto, se le pasó la mitad del día — and before he knew it, half the day had slipped by

    a tontas y a locas —

    piénsalo bien, no quiero que actúes/hables a tontas y a locas — think carefully, don't just do/say the first thing that comes into your head

    esos jóvenes sin seso que solo hablan a tontas y a locas — these silly youngsters who chatter away without even thinking what they're saying

    c) (=insolente) silly

    ¡si te pones tonto no te vuelvo a traer al cine! — if you start being silly I won't take you to the cinema again!

    d) (=torpe)

    hoy se me olvida todo, estoy como tonto — I keep forgetting things today, I'm out of it *

    dejar a algn tonto Esp to leave sb speechless

    e) (=presumido) stuck-up *
    f) (Med) imbecile
    pelo 8)
    2) [risa, frase, accidente] silly

    ¡qué fallo más tonto! — it was a really silly mistake!

    caja 1)
    2. SM / F

    soy un tonto, ¡nunca debí haberla escuchado! — I'm such an idiot, I should never have listened to her!

    allí estaba, riéndome como una tonta — there I was, laughing like an idiot

    2) (Med) imbecile
    3. SM
    1) (Circo, Teat) clown, funny man
    2) And, CAm (=palanca) jemmy
    * * *
    - ta adjetivo
    a) [SER] < persona> ( falto de inteligencia) stupid, dumb (colloq); ( ingenuo) silly

    fui tan tonto como para decirle que síI was stupid o foolish enough to say yes

    b) [ESTAR] ( intratable) difficult, silly; ( disgustado) upset

    dejar tonto a alguien — (Esp fam) to leave somebody speechless

    hacer tonto a alguien — (Chi fam) to fool somebody

    2) <excusa/error/historia> silly
    - ta masculino, femenino ( falto de inteligencia) idiot, dummy (colloq); ( ingenuo) idiot, fool

    hacer el tonto — ( hacer payasadas) to play o act the fool; ( actuar con necedad) to make a fool of oneself

    hacerse el tontoto act dumb

    * * *
    = fool, witless, bonehead, goofy [goofier -comp., goofiest -sup.], imbecile, cretin, lemon, airheaded, duffer, drongo, schmuck, schmo, moke, twerp, dweeb, chump, birdbrained, birdbrain, dork, plonker.
    Ex. A chapter each is devoted to the comic hero, comedian, humorist, rogue, trickster, clown, fool, underdog, and simpleton.
    Ex. She refutes the idea of the women's magazine as a 'mouthpiece of masculine interest, of patriarchy and commercialism' that preyed on 'passive, dependent, and witless' women readers.
    Ex. The article is entitled 'Field Research for Boneheads: From Naivete to Insight on the Green Tortoise'.
    Ex. The article 'Book pricing: economics of a goofy business' examines briefly the economics of the book publishing process from the viewpoint of the book wholesaler.
    Ex. The same evil is done in slaving, tormenting and killing, say, chimpanzees as is done in so injuring human imbeciles.
    Ex. Cretin is a word derived from an 18th century Swiss-French word meaning Christian.
    Ex. The court also heard the victim's brother accuse the defendant of physical abuse and of calling him a ' lemon and a retard'.
    Ex. She's just an airheaded bimbo, with an endless capacity to push aside unpleasant realities in favor of her more satisfying interests: young men and jewels.
    Ex. Plus, no matter what she did to stop people from picking on her she always ended up being called a duffer.
    Ex. Now I know to you inteligent types this sounds a simple problem but to a drongo like me it is like quantum physics!!!.
    Ex. Schmuck entered English as a borrowed word from Yiddish, where it is an obscene term literally meaning a foreskin or head of a penis, and an insult.
    Ex. This team of schmoes is capable of anything.
    Ex. States know better what their own citizens needs are than do the mokes in Washington.
    Ex. He started life as a twerp, then fairly quickly became a jerk and ended up an old sourpuss.
    Ex. For this reason, I will probably not vote in the London mayoral election at all and this doesn't make me a whinging negativist dweeb.
    Ex. Americans are such chumps, because we refuse to see what is going on right in front of our eyes.
    Ex. She has her own birdbrained way of thinking about things, but most of what she says is vaguely prophetic.
    Ex. I am thinking humans can be such birdbrains when it comes to communication.
    Ex. And then we get nongs like Joe here who just cant help himself from being a dork.
    Ex. If she'd been my daughter in fact I'd never have let her go out with an obvious plonker like myself.
    * a tontas y a ciegas = headlong, runaway.
    * a tontas y locas = like there's no tomorrow, without rhyme or reason.
    * chica bonita y tonta = bimbo.
    * chiste tonto para desternillarse = knee slapper.
    * chiste tonto pero gracioso = knee slapper.
    * como un tonto = stupidly, foolishly.
    * guaperas tonto = himbo.
    * hacer el tonto = fool around, horse around/about.
    * hacerse el tonto = act + dumb.
    * no tener un pelo de tonto = there are no flies (on/about) + Pronombre.
    * risa tonta = giggle.
    * risita tonta = giggle.
    * rubia tonta = dumb blonde.
    * típica rubia tonta = bimbo.
    * típico guaperas tonto = himbo.
    * tonto de capirote = blockhead, prize idiot.
    * tonto del bote = as thick as a brick, as thick as two (short) planks, as daft as a brush, bonehead, birdbrain, knucklehead.
    * tonto del bote, tonto de remate, tonto del culo, tonto perdido, chiflado per = knucklehead.
    * tonto del cullo = arsehole [asshole, -USA].
    * tonto del culo = mug, prick, as daft as a brush, prize idiot, knucklehead.
    * tonto del pueblo, el = village fool, the.
    * tonto de marca mayor = prize idiot.
    * tonto de remate = as daft as a brush, as thick as two (short) planks, prize idiot, knucklehead.
    * tonto genio = idiot savant.
    * tonto perdido = as daft as a brush, as thick as two (short) planks, knucklehead.
    * tontos /tarea de tontos = fool's errand.
    * * *
    - ta adjetivo
    a) [SER] < persona> ( falto de inteligencia) stupid, dumb (colloq); ( ingenuo) silly

    fui tan tonto como para decirle que síI was stupid o foolish enough to say yes

    b) [ESTAR] ( intratable) difficult, silly; ( disgustado) upset

    dejar tonto a alguien — (Esp fam) to leave somebody speechless

    hacer tonto a alguien — (Chi fam) to fool somebody

    2) <excusa/error/historia> silly
    - ta masculino, femenino ( falto de inteligencia) idiot, dummy (colloq); ( ingenuo) idiot, fool

    hacer el tonto — ( hacer payasadas) to play o act the fool; ( actuar con necedad) to make a fool of oneself

    hacerse el tontoto act dumb

    * * *
    = fool, witless, bonehead, goofy [goofier -comp., goofiest -sup.], imbecile, cretin, lemon, airheaded, duffer, drongo, schmuck, schmo, moke, twerp, dweeb, chump, birdbrained, birdbrain, dork, plonker.

    Ex: A chapter each is devoted to the comic hero, comedian, humorist, rogue, trickster, clown, fool, underdog, and simpleton.

    Ex: She refutes the idea of the women's magazine as a 'mouthpiece of masculine interest, of patriarchy and commercialism' that preyed on 'passive, dependent, and witless' women readers.
    Ex: The article is entitled 'Field Research for Boneheads: From Naivete to Insight on the Green Tortoise'.
    Ex: The article 'Book pricing: economics of a goofy business' examines briefly the economics of the book publishing process from the viewpoint of the book wholesaler.
    Ex: The same evil is done in slaving, tormenting and killing, say, chimpanzees as is done in so injuring human imbeciles.
    Ex: Cretin is a word derived from an 18th century Swiss-French word meaning Christian.
    Ex: The court also heard the victim's brother accuse the defendant of physical abuse and of calling him a ' lemon and a retard'.
    Ex: She's just an airheaded bimbo, with an endless capacity to push aside unpleasant realities in favor of her more satisfying interests: young men and jewels.
    Ex: Plus, no matter what she did to stop people from picking on her she always ended up being called a duffer.
    Ex: Now I know to you inteligent types this sounds a simple problem but to a drongo like me it is like quantum physics!!!.
    Ex: Schmuck entered English as a borrowed word from Yiddish, where it is an obscene term literally meaning a foreskin or head of a penis, and an insult.
    Ex: This team of schmoes is capable of anything.
    Ex: States know better what their own citizens needs are than do the mokes in Washington.
    Ex: He started life as a twerp, then fairly quickly became a jerk and ended up an old sourpuss.
    Ex: For this reason, I will probably not vote in the London mayoral election at all and this doesn't make me a whinging negativist dweeb.
    Ex: Americans are such chumps, because we refuse to see what is going on right in front of our eyes.
    Ex: She has her own birdbrained way of thinking about things, but most of what she says is vaguely prophetic.
    Ex: I am thinking humans can be such birdbrains when it comes to communication.
    Ex: And then we get nongs like Joe here who just cant help himself from being a dork.
    Ex: If she'd been my daughter in fact I'd never have let her go out with an obvious plonker like myself.
    * a tontas y a ciegas = headlong, runaway.
    * a tontas y locas = like there's no tomorrow, without rhyme or reason.
    * chica bonita y tonta = bimbo.
    * chiste tonto para desternillarse = knee slapper.
    * chiste tonto pero gracioso = knee slapper.
    * como un tonto = stupidly, foolishly.
    * guaperas tonto = himbo.
    * hacer el tonto = fool around, horse around/about.
    * hacerse el tonto = act + dumb.
    * no tener un pelo de tonto = there are no flies (on/about) + Pronombre.
    * risa tonta = giggle.
    * risita tonta = giggle.
    * rubia tonta = dumb blonde.
    * típica rubia tonta = bimbo.
    * típico guaperas tonto = himbo.
    * tonto de capirote = blockhead, prize idiot.
    * tonto del bote = as thick as a brick, as thick as two (short) planks, as daft as a brush, bonehead, birdbrain, knucklehead.
    * tonto del bote, tonto de remate, tonto del culo, tonto perdido, chiflado per = knucklehead.
    * tonto del cullo = arsehole [asshole, -USA].
    * tonto del culo = mug, prick, as daft as a brush, prize idiot, knucklehead.
    * tonto del pueblo, el = village fool, the.
    * tonto de marca mayor = prize idiot.
    * tonto de remate = as daft as a brush, as thick as two (short) planks, prize idiot, knucklehead.
    * tonto genio = idiot savant.
    * tonto perdido = as daft as a brush, as thick as two (short) planks, knucklehead.
    * tontos /tarea de tontos = fool's errand.

    * * *
    tonto1 -ta
    1 [ SER] ‹persona› (falto de inteligencia) stupid, dumb ( colloq) (ingenuo) silly
    ¡pero qué tonto eres! ¿de verdad te lo has creído? you idiot! did you really believe it?
    mírala … y parecía tonta look at her, and we thought she was stupid!
    no seas tonta, aprovecha ahora que puedes don't be silly! make the most of it while you can
    y él fue tan tonto como para decirle que sí and he was stupid o dumb o foolish enough to say yes
    2 [ ESTAR] (travieso) difficult, silly; (disgustado) upset
    no me hagas caso, hoy estoy tonta don't take any notice of me, I'm in a funny mood today
    se pone muy tonto siempre que hay visita he gets really silly o difficult when there are visitors
    a lo tonto: a lo tonto, a lo tonto lleva ya ganados varios millones he's won several million just like that o without even trying
    lo dijo a lo tonto y resulta que acertó it was a wild guess o he said it without thinking and it turned out to be right
    hablas a lo tonto you're talking through your hat
    a tontas y a locas without thinking
    gasta el dinero a tontas y a locas she spends money like there's no tomorrow ( colloq)
    dejar tonto a algn ( Esp fam); to leave sb speechless
    hacer tonto a algn ( Chi fam); to make a fool of sb, fool sb
    ser más tonto que Abundio or que hecho de encargo or que una mata de habas ( Esp fam); to be as dumb as they come ( colloq), to be daft as a brush ( BrE colloq)
    ser tonto del bote or del culo ( Esp fam); to be a complete idiot
    B ‹excusa/error/historia› silly
    fue una caída de lo más tonta pero ya ves, me rompí el tobillo it was such a silly o ridiculous fall but, as you see, I broke my ankle
    tonto2 -ta
    masculine, feminine
    (falto de inteligencia) idiot, dummy ( colloq); (ingenuo) idiot, fool
    eres un tonto por haberte dejado engañar así you're an idiot o a fool to let yourself be taken in like that
    hacer el tonto (hacer payasadas) to play o act the fool, to fool o clown around; (actuar con necedad) to make a fool of oneself
    hacerse el tonto to act dumb
    no te hagas la tonta, que sabes muy bien de lo que estoy hablando you know very well what I'm talking about so don't pretend you don't o so don't act dumb
    le gusta/gustaba más que a un tonto una tiza or un lápiz or un palo ( Esp fam); he is/was crazy o nuts about it ( colloq)
    ser como tonto para algo ( Chi fam); to be crazy o nuts about sth ( colloq)
    prize idiot, utter fool
    village idiot
    ( Chi fam) silly fool
    idealistic puppet o stooge
    * * *


    ◊ -ta adjetivo

    a) [SER] ( falto de inteligencia) stupid, dumb (colloq);

    ( ingenuo) silly
    b) [ESTAR] ( intratable) difficult, silly;

    ( disgustado) upset
    2excusa/error/historia silly
    ■ sustantivo masculino, femenino ( falto de inteligencia) idiot, dummy (colloq);
    ( ingenuo) idiot, fool;
    hacer el tonto ( hacer payasadas) to play o act the fool;

    ( actuar con necedad) to make a fool of oneself;
    hacerse el tonto to act dumb

    I adjetivo silly, familiar dumb: ¿cómo pude ser tan tonto?, how could I be so stupid?
    fue lo bastante tonto como para decirle la verdad, he was foolish enough to tell him the truth
    una observación tonta, a trivial remark
    II sustantivo masculino y femenino fool, idiot, familiar dummy
    hacer el tonto, to play the fool
    hacerse el tonto, to play dumb
    tonto de remate, prize idiot

    ' tonto' also found in these entries:
    - bobalicona
    - boluda
    - boludo
    - burrada
    - capirote
    - definitivamente
    - fatua
    - fatuo
    - hacer
    - hombre
    - manteca
    - pelo
    - perdida
    - perdido
    - remate
    - simple
    - tarugo
    - todavía
    - tonta
    - tratar
    - asno
    - baboso
    - gana
    - ganso
    - huevón
    - idiota
    - imbécil
    - lelo
    - lerdo
    - mongólico
    - necio
    - pavo
    - pendejo
    - salame
    - soquete
    - tontear
    - tontería
    - zanahoria
    - asinine
    - clot
    - clown around
    - dim
    - do
    - dozy
    - dumb
    - fool
    - goof
    - help
    - idiotic
    - lark about
    - lark around
    - mess about
    - mess around
    - muck about
    - muck around
    - need
    - play
    - prize
    - silly
    - soft-headed
    - such
    - thing
    - daft
    - foolish
    - kind
    - know
    - stupid
    - that
    * * *
    tonto, -a
    1. [persona] [estúpido] stupid;
    [menos fuerte] silly;
    pero ¿seré tonto? otra vez me he vuelto a confundir I must be stupid or something, I've gone and got it wrong again;
    nos toman por tontos they think we're idiots;
    ¿estás tonto? ¿para qué me pegas? don't be stupid! what are you hitting me for?;
    no seas tonto, no hay por qué preocuparse don't be silly, there's no need to worry;
    ser tonto de capirote o [m5] remate to be Br daft as a brush o US crazy as a loon;
    ser más tonto que Abundio to be as thick as two short planks
    2. [retrasado mental] dim, backward
    ponerse tonto [pesado, insistente] to be difficult;
    [arrogante] to get awkward, Br to get stroppy
    4. [sin sentido] [risa] mindless;
    [esfuerzo] pointless;
    fue una caída tonta it was so silly, falling over like that;
    a lo tonto: lo perdí a lo tonto I stupidly lost it;
    me tropecé a lo tonto I tripped over like an idiot;
    me he ido haciendo con una extensa colección de sellos a lo tonto I've built up a sizeable stamp collection without hardly realizing it
    los listos y los tontos de la clase the bright ones and the dim ones in the class;
    el tonto del pueblo the village idiot;
    hacer el tonto [juguetear] to mess around;
    [no actuar con inteligencia] to be stupid o foolish;
    estoy haciendo el tonto intentando convencerle I'm wasting my time trying to convince him;
    hacerse el tonto to act innocent;
    a tontas y a locas without thinking
    tonto útil useful idiot
    * * *
    I adj silly, foolish
    II m, tonta f fool, idiot;
    haba fam complete idiot;
    tonto del pueblo village idiot;
    hacer el tonto play the fool;
    hacerse el tonto act dumb fam ;
    a tontas y a locas in a slapdash way
    * * *
    tonto, -ta adj
    1) : dumb, stupid
    2) : silly
    a tontas y a locas : without thinking, haphazardly
    tonto, -ta n
    : fool, idiot
    * * *
    tonto1 adj silly [comp. sillier; superl. silliest] / stupid [comp. stupider; superl. stupidest]
    ¡qué fallo más tonto! what a stupid mistake!
    tonto2 n fool / idiot

    Spanish-English dictionary > tonto

  • 3 después

    afterwards, after, afterward, in a while.
    * * *
    1 afterwards, later
    2 (entonces) then
    3 (luego) next
    después de (tiempo) after 2 (desde) since 3 (+ pp) after, once
    después de todo after all
    después que after, when
    * * *
    2) next, then
    - después de todo
    * * *
    1) [con sentido temporal]
    a) (=más tarde) later, later on; [tras un hecho concreto] afterwards, after

    no me da tiempo antes de la cena, lo haré después — I haven't got time before dinner, I'll do it after(wards)

    poco después — soon after(wards), not long after(wards)

    lo vi en enero, pero después no lo he visto más — I saw him in January, but I haven't seen him since (then)

    b) (=a continuación) then, next

    ¿qué pasó después? — what happened then o next?

    2) [con sentido espacial]

    primero está el bar y después mi casa — first there's the bar and then, next to it, my house

    3) [en orden, jerarquía] then

    primero está el director y después el subdirector — first there's the manager, and then the assistant manager


    después de[con sentido temporal] after

    después de aplicarse la mascarilla, relájese — after applying the mask, relax


    después de[en orden, jerarquía] after, next to


    después de todo, no parece tan antipático — he doesn't seem so unpleasant, after all


    después que* after

    * * *
    a) ( más tarde) later
    b) ( en una serie de sucesos) then, afterwards

    después de + inf — after -ing

    después (de) que — when, after

    después (de) que + subj — ( refiriéndose al futuro) once, when

    después (de) que todos se hayan idoonce o when everybody has left

    después (de) que te bañesonce o when you've had a bath

    a) (indicando orden, prioridad) then

    después de ti or después que tú, voy yo — I'm after you

    b) ( además) then

    después tenemos éstos, que son más baratos — then we have these, which are cheaper

    * * *
    = afterward(s), later, then, in the aftermath, in later years, later on, thereafter.
    Ex. We shape our buildings and afterwards our buildings shape us.
    Ex. Later, after examining maps of the area he may discover that the area that he is really interested in is Parliament Hill.
    Ex. A set of government publications could be filed alphabetically by the issuing bureau, and then by title of the particular series in numerical order.
    Ex. This article discusses the features of the library's disaster planning which had been overlooked but could have reduced the severity of the problems encountered in the aftermath.
    Ex. In later years, the famous book mythological significance of muddy footprints introduced me to the ancient Hippopotamian culture.
    Ex. Later on, his findings were developed and specified in numerous studies by pedologists and vulcanologists.
    Ex. At the two extremes, the order may simply be decided for each topic as and when it arises, and followed thereafter.
    * antes o después de = either side of.
    * depósito de préstamos después de las horas de apertura = after-hours book drop.
    * después de = after, following, subsequent to, in the wake of, no sooner than.
    * después de conseguir empleo = postappointment.
    * después de eso = thereafter.
    * después de la contratación = post-employment [postemployment].
    * después de la escuela = after-school hours, after-school time.
    * después de la prueba = posttest [post-test].
    * después de la queja = postcomplaint [post-complaint].
    * después de la reclamación = postcomplaint [post-complaint].
    * después del examen = posttest [post-test].
    * después del horario de trabajo = after hours [after-hours].
    * después del horario normal = after hours [after-hours].
    * después de lo cual = whereupon.
    * después del parto = postpartum.
    * después de todo = after all.
    * Expresión Temporal + después = Expresión Temporal + on.
    * Fecha + d.C. (Después de Cristo) = AD [A.D.] + Fecha (Anno Domini).
    * inmediatamente después = thereupon [thereon].
    * inmediatamente después de = fast on the heels of, on the heels of, on the coattails of.
    * justo después = immediately.
    * justo después de = right behind, right after, on the heels of, on the coattails of.
    * justo después de (que) = immediately after.
    * loción para después del afeitado = aftershave lotion, aftershave.
    * morir después que = outlive.
    * muchísimo tiempo después = ages and ages hence.
    * mucho tiempo después = ages and ages hence.
    * mucho tiempo después (de que) = long after.
    * no mucho después = not long after.
    * Número + años después = Número + years on.
    * píldora del día después = morning-after pill.
    * poco después = soon afterwards, shortly afterwards, shortly after, not long after.
    * poco después de = soon after (that), shortly after.
    * poco después de que = shortly after.
    * poco tiempo después = shortly afterwards.
    * venir justo después de = come on + the heels of.
    * * *
    a) ( más tarde) later
    b) ( en una serie de sucesos) then, afterwards

    después de + inf — after -ing

    después (de) que — when, after

    después (de) que + subj — ( refiriéndose al futuro) once, when

    después (de) que todos se hayan idoonce o when everybody has left

    después (de) que te bañesonce o when you've had a bath

    a) (indicando orden, prioridad) then

    después de ti or después que tú, voy yo — I'm after you

    b) ( además) then

    después tenemos éstos, que son más baratos — then we have these, which are cheaper

    * * *
    = afterward(s), later, then, in the aftermath, in later years, later on, thereafter.

    Ex: We shape our buildings and afterwards our buildings shape us.

    Ex: Later, after examining maps of the area he may discover that the area that he is really interested in is Parliament Hill.
    Ex: A set of government publications could be filed alphabetically by the issuing bureau, and then by title of the particular series in numerical order.
    Ex: This article discusses the features of the library's disaster planning which had been overlooked but could have reduced the severity of the problems encountered in the aftermath.
    Ex: In later years, the famous book mythological significance of muddy footprints introduced me to the ancient Hippopotamian culture.
    Ex: Later on, his findings were developed and specified in numerous studies by pedologists and vulcanologists.
    Ex: At the two extremes, the order may simply be decided for each topic as and when it arises, and followed thereafter.
    * antes o después de = either side of.
    * depósito de préstamos después de las horas de apertura = after-hours book drop.
    * después de = after, following, subsequent to, in the wake of, no sooner than.
    * después de conseguir empleo = postappointment.
    * después de eso = thereafter.
    * después de la contratación = post-employment [postemployment].
    * después de la escuela = after-school hours, after-school time.
    * después de la prueba = posttest [post-test].
    * después de la queja = postcomplaint [post-complaint].
    * después de la reclamación = postcomplaint [post-complaint].
    * después del examen = posttest [post-test].
    * después del horario de trabajo = after hours [after-hours].
    * después del horario normal = after hours [after-hours].
    * después de lo cual = whereupon.
    * después del parto = postpartum.
    * después de todo = after all.
    * Expresión Temporal + después = Expresión Temporal + on.
    * Fecha + d.C. (Después de Cristo) = AD [A.D.] + Fecha (Anno Domini).
    * inmediatamente después = thereupon [thereon].
    * inmediatamente después de = fast on the heels of, on the heels of, on the coattails of.
    * justo después = immediately.
    * justo después de = right behind, right after, on the heels of, on the coattails of.
    * justo después de (que) = immediately after.
    * loción para después del afeitado = aftershave lotion, aftershave.
    * morir después que = outlive.
    * muchísimo tiempo después = ages and ages hence.
    * mucho tiempo después = ages and ages hence.
    * mucho tiempo después (de que) = long after.
    * no mucho después = not long after.
    * Número + años después = Número + years on.
    * píldora del día después = morning-after pill.
    * poco después = soon afterwards, shortly afterwards, shortly after, not long after.
    * poco después de = soon after (that), shortly after.
    * poco después de que = shortly after.
    * poco tiempo después = shortly afterwards.
    * venir justo después de = come on + the heels of.

    * * *
    1 (más tarde) later
    no me enteré hasta mucho después I didn't find out until much later o until a long time afterwards
    2 (en una serie de sucesos) then, afterwards
    primero habló con ella y después me vino a ver a mí first he spoke to her and then he came to see me
    3 ( en locs):
    pocos días después de la boda a few days after the wedding
    después DE + INF after -ING
    después de hablar contigo me sentí mejor after I talked o after talking to you I felt better
    después de mucho pensarlo after (giving it) a lot of thought
    después de pelar el limón once you have peeled the lemon
    después de todo after all
    después (de) que when, after
    después (de) que se enteró no le escribió más when o after she found out she never wrote to him again
    después ( DE) QUE + SUBJ (refiriéndose al futuro) when, once
    después (de) que todos se hayan ido once o when everybody has left
    después (de) que te bañes once o when you've had a bath
    usted llegó después que yo you arrived after me
    (en el espacio): bájate dos paradas después get off two stops after that
    hay varias casas y después está el colegio there are some houses and then you come to the school
    está justo después del puente it's just past the bridge, it's just on the other side of the bridge
    1 (indicando orden, prioridad) then
    primero está este señor y después yo this gentleman is first, and then me
    primero está la salud y después lo demás good health comes first, and then everything else, good health comes before anything else
    después de ti or después que tú, voy yo I'm after you
    2 (además) then
    después tenemos éstos, que son más baratos then we have these, which are cheaper
    * * *


    después adverbio

    c) ( en locs)

    después de Cristo AD;
    después de hacer algo after doing sth;
    después de todo after all;
    después (de) que after;

    ( refiriéndose al futuro) once, when;
    después (de) que todos se hayan ido once o when everybody has left;

    después que after
    2 ( en el espacio):

    hay una casa y después está el colegio there is a house and then you come to the school;
    está justo después del puente it's just past the bridge
    después adverbio
    1 (más tarde) later, afterwards
    (luego) then
    (seguidamente) next
    unos días después, a few days later
    mucho después, a long time later
    poco después, soon after
    2 (posición) next, then
    3 (pospuesto a nombres de espacio o tiempo: siguiente) el día después, the next day
    ♦ Locuciones: después de, after: (al finalizar) nos volvimos a ver después de su hospitalización, we saw each other after her stay in the hospital
    después de comer, after eating
    (orden) mi pupitre está después del suyo, my desk is the one after his
    después de todo, after all
    después de que, after: lo tendrás después de que apruebes, you'll have it after you pass
    ' después' also found in these entries:
    - anegarse
    - animosidad
    - bochinche
    - clara
    - claro
    - cojera
    - comida
    - conquistar
    - d. C
    - desmembrarse
    - desvariar
    - deterioro
    - docencia
    - enloquecer
    - establecerse
    - guarnición
    - incluida
    - incluido
    - inclusive
    - madrugada
    - mies
    - molesta
    - molesto
    - noche
    - obligada
    - obligado
    - para
    - poca
    - poco
    - previa
    - previo
    - quisque
    - quisqui
    - rehacerse
    - respirar
    - suceder
    - tarde
    - tiempo
    - toda
    - todo
    - tras
    - vuestra
    - vuestro
    - a
    - caminata
    - cavilar
    - Cristo
    - d. de C.
    - dejar
    - abroad
    - accomplice
    - ad
    - after
    - afterlife
    - aftershave (lotion)
    - afterwards
    - alive
    - alone
    - also
    - always
    - arm
    - ask back
    - asleep
    - blow up
    - body
    - bounce back
    - brisk
    - burial
    - bust up
    - but
    - chaser
    - clear off
    - clear up
    - come back
    - come round
    - come to
    - comedown
    - consolation
    - crack
    - crystallize
    - dark
    - debt
    - decide on
    - destroy
    - dinner theater
    - dip
    - disown
    - done
    - downhill
    - either
    - enough
    - evening
    - ever
    - fall apart
    - flourish
    - for
    - frazzled
    - freshen up
    * * *
    1. [en el tiempo] [más tarde] afterwards, later;
    [entonces] then; [justo lo siguiente] next;
    poco después soon after;
    mucho después much later;
    un año después a year later;
    años después years later;
    ellos llegaron después they arrived later;
    llamé primero y después entré I knocked first and then I went in;
    primero vienen los elefantes, luego los malabaristas y después los payasos first come the elephants, then the jugglers and then o after them the clowns;
    yo voy después it's my turn next;
    nos veremos después see you later;
    ahora todo son risitas, después vendrán los lloros you may be giggling now, but you'll be crying later;
    después de after;
    llegó después de ti she arrived after you;
    después de él, nadie lo ha conseguido no one else has done it since he did;
    después de hacer algo after doing sth;
    después de hervir la pasta, añada la salsa once the pasta is cooked, add the sauce;
    después de desayunar after breakfast;
    ¡qué pena que no ganaran, después de lo bien que lo hicieron! what a shame they lost after playing so well!;
    después de que te fueras a la cama after you went to bed;
    después de que lo hice after I did it, after doing it;
    después de todo lo que han hecho por ti, ¿cómo puedes tratarlos tan mal? how can you treat them so badly, after everything they've done for you?;
    llegó después que yo she arrived after I did o after me
    2. [en el espacio] next, after;
    ¿qué viene después? what comes next o after?;
    hay un hotel y después está mi casa there's a hotel and then there's my house;
    varios bloques después several blocks further on;
    está 2 kilómetros después del pueblo it's 2 kilometres past the village;
    nos bajaremos cinco paradas después we get off five stops later;
    después de usted [al dejar pasar] after you
    3. [en una lista, jerarquía] further down;
    después de after;
    después de él, soy el primero de la clase after him, I'm the best in the class;
    después del vino, la cerveza es la bebida más popular after wine, beer is the most popular drink;
    quedó después del atleta ruso he finished behind the Russian athlete;
    primero viene el deber, y después el placer business before pleasure
    después de todo loc adv
    after all;
    después de todo, no nos podemos quejar we can't complain, after all
    * * *
    1 ( más tarde) afterward, later
    2 seguido en orden next;
    yo voy después I’m next;
    después de que se vaya after he’s gone
    3 en el espacio after;
    después de after;
    después de la parada after the bus stop
    después de todo after all
    * * *
    1) : afterward, later
    2) : then, next
    después de : after, next after
    después de comer: after eating
    después que lo acabé: after I finished it
    después de todo : after all
    poco después : shortly after, soon thereafter
    * * *
    1. (más tarde) afterwards / later
    2. (luego) then / next
    para ella, primero es la familia y después los amigos for her, the family comes first and then her friends

    Spanish-English dictionary > después

  • 4 keep

    1. I
    1) is it worth keeping? стоит ли это хранить?
    2) this book is yours to keep можете оставить эту книгу себе. эту книгу я вам дарю
    3) butter (eggs, meat, apples, etc.) will keep масло и т. д. не испортится; chocolates that will keep шоколад, который может долго лежать
    4) the news (this statement, etc.) will keep с этим сообщением и т. д. можно повременить; this information can't keep эту информацию нельзя задерживать /нужно скорее опубликовать/; my revenge will keep отомстить я еще успею; it will keep! успеется!
    5) have a family (one's parents, a wife and two children, etc.) to keep иметь на иждивении /содержать/ семью и т. д.
    2. II
    1) keep somewhere keep at home (indoors, in, etc.) оставаться /сидеть/ дома, не выходить из дому; keep in some manner keep together держаться вместе, не разлучаться; let's keep together or we shall lose each other давайте держаться вместе, а то мы потеряем друг друга; if all the cars keep together we shall be quite safe если все машины пойдут вместе, нам нечего бояться; they kept abreast они шли в одну шеренгу
    2) keep in some manner keep well (quite well, all right, etc.) хорошо и т. д. сохраняться; keep for some time cold milk (dried fruit, smoked fish, etc.) keeps longer холодное молоко и т. д. дольше сохраняется / не портится/; fish do not keep long рыба не может долго лежать id how are you keeping? как вы себя чувствуете?, как здоровье?; she is not keeping well она себя неважно чувствует
    3. III
    1) keep smth. keep one's old letters (one's old clothes, his books, the archives, etc.) хранить старые письма и т. д.; this is [the place] where I keep my things (my money, my stores, etc.) вот где я держу свои вещи и т. д.; he can make money but he cannot keep it он умеет зарабатывать деньги, но не умеет их беречь
    2) keep smth. keep this book (this toy, this photograph, etc.) оставлять эту книгу и т. д. себе; since you have found this watch you may keep it раз вы нашли эти часы, то можете оставить их себе [навсегда]; you can keep the box, I don't need it any longer мне больше не нужна эта коробка, оставьте ее себе; keep the change сдачи не надо, оставьте сдачу себе
    3) keep smth. keep the job не менять места работы, работать на том же месте; keep one's seat /one's place/ оставаться на месте, не вставать с места; keep one's room не выходить из комнаты; keep one's bed не вставать с постели: keep one's feet удержаться на ногах, не упасть; keep the saddle удержаться в седле; keep one's balance /one's feet/ удерживать равновесие; keep the middle of the road (the road, the path, one's course, etc.) держаться середины /идти по середине/ дороги и т. д.; keep one's way идти своей дорогой, не сворачивать со своего пути; keep the speed идти с той же скоростью, не сбавлять или не увеличивать скорость; keep time отбивать такт; keep good time верно показывать время
    4) keep smth. keep one's temper (one's presence of mind, one's self-possession, one's composure, etc.) сохранять спокойствие и т. д., не терять спокойствия и т. д.; keep one's head не терять головы; keep silence молчать, хранить молчание; keep one's distance а) держаться на расстоянии; б) не допускать фамильярности
    5) keep smth. keep fruit (vegetables, food, etc.) сохранять фрукты и т. д., не давать фруктам и т. д. портиться; keep its shape (its colour, etc.) сохранять /не терять/ форму и т. д., keep one's figure сохранять фигуру; keep one's looks не дурнеть, сохранять привлекательность; keep good health оставаться в добром здравии
    6) keep smb. what is keeping you? почему вы задерживаетесь /опаздываете/?; don't let me keep you я не буду вас задерживать
    7) keep smth. keep a bridge (a fort, a fortress, the gates of a town, one's grounds, etc.) защищать /удерживать/ мост и т. д.; keep the wicket защищать ворота (а крикете), keep the goal стоять в воротах, защищать ворота (в футболе)
    8) keep smth. keep the rules (the law, order, commandments, etc.) соблюдать /не нарушать/ правила и т. д., придерживаться правил и т. д.; keep a treaty /an agreement/ выполнять /соблюдать/ условия договора; keep an appointment приходить на [деловое] свидание, приходить в назначенное время (место и т. п.); keep a date coll. приходить на свидание: keep one's word (one's promise, etc.) (с)держать слово и т. д., быть верным своему слову и т. д., keep a secret /one's own counsel/ помалкивать, хранить тайну; can you keep a secret? вы умеете молчать /держать язык за зубами/?; keep faith сохранять верность; keep peace сохранять /поддерживать/ мир; keep regular hours ложиться спать и вставать в одно и то же время, вести размеренную жизнь; keep late hours не ложиться /сидеть, работать/ допоздна; keep early hours рано ложиться и рано вставать; we keep late hours in this office в нашем учреждении рабочий день кончается поздно; keep one's birthday (festivals, etc.) отмечать /праздновать/ день рождения и т. д.; keep a fast (Sundays, rites, etc.) соблюдать пост и т. д., keep a ceremony отправлять /совершать/ обряд
    9) keep smb. keep a family (an old mother, a wife and six children, etc.) обеспечивать /содержать/ семью и т. д.; at his age he ought to be able to keep himself в его возрасте пора бы самому зарабатывать на жизнь; he doesn't earn enough to keep himself он себя не может прокормить
    10) keep smth., smb. keep a car (a garden, a horse, etc.) иметь машину и т. д.; keep an inn (a hotel, a school, etc.) держать небольшую гостиницу и т. д.; he kept a bar у неге был бар, он был хозяином бара; keep chickens (poultry, bees, sheep, cattles, etc.) держать /разводить/ цыплят и т. д.; keep a cook (a gardener, servants, a butler, a maid, etc.) держать повара и т. д.; keep boarders держать постояльцев; keep lodgers пускать жильцов; she keeps my dog when I am away я оставляю у нее свою собаку /она смотрит за моей собакой/, когда уезжаю; keep good (bad, rough, etc.) company водиться / дружить/ с хорошей и т. д. компанией /с хорошими и т. д. людьми/
    11) keep smth. keep butter (eggs, tea, wine, meat, etc.) иметь [в продаже] масло и т. д., торговать маслом и т. д., this shop keeps everything you need (fresh eggs, fruit, etc.) в этом магазине есть [в продаже] все, что вам нужно и т. д., keep a stock (a large supply) of machine parts (of vegetables, of socks, etc.) иметь на складе или в ассортименте запас (большое количество) деталей машин и т. д.; do you sell buttons? - I am sorry, but we do not keep them у вас продаются пуговицы? - Нет, у нас их в продаже не бывает
    12) keep smth. keep a diary (the score, records, accounts, books, the register, etc.) вести дневник и т. д.; keep house вести хозяйство; keep watch дежурить, стоять на часах
    4. IV
    1) keep smth. in some manner keep one's papers (one's toys, one's books, etc.) together держать свой документы и т. д. в одном месте; I wish you learnt to keep your things together and not leave them all over the house когда же ты научишься держать свой вещи в одном месте и не разбрасывать их по всему дому?
    2) keep smb., smth. somewhere keep the children (the patient, all of us, etc.) at home (here, in, etc.) держать детей и т. д. дома и т. д., не выпускать детей и т. д. из дому и т. д.; the cold weather kept us indoors мы сидели дома /не выходили из дому/ из-за холодной погоды; keep smb., smth. in some manner keep these birds (these animals, these things, etc.) apart (together, etc.) держать этих птиц и т. д. отдельно [друг от друга] и т. д., не держать этих птиц и т. д. в одном месте /вместе/; soldiers kept five abreast солдаты шагали в шеренге по пять [человек] /по пять человек в ряд/
    3) keep smb., smth. for some time keep the boys (one's friends, the newcomers, etc.) long (late, etc.) надолго и т. д. задерживать /не отпускать/ мальчиков и т. д.; I won't keep you long я вас долго не задержу; what kept you so late? из-за чего вы задержались допоздна?; keep these books (this picture, his bicycle, etc.) long долго держать у себя эти книги и т. д.; don't keep my dictionary long побыстрее верните мне словарь, не держите мой словарь долго; can you keep his papers a little longer? вы не могли бы задержать [у себя] его документы еще на некоторое время?; keep smb., smth. somewhere what kept him there? что его там удерживало /задержало/?
    5. V
    1) || keep smb. prisoner держать кого-л. в плену
    2) || keep smb. company составить кому-л. компанию
    6. VI
    semiaux keep smb., smth. in some state keep one's hands clean (warm, etc.) держать руки чистыми и т. д., keep your hands dry смотри, чтобы у тебя были сухие руки; keep the house (the room, etc.) tidy /neat, clean, etc./ содержать дом и т. д. в чистоте; keep the windows open (shut) держать окна открытыми ( закрытыми); keep one's back straight держаться прямо, не горбиться; keep one's eyes open а) держать глаза открытыми; б) не закрывать глаза на происходящее, отдавать себе отчет в том, что происходит; keep one's head cool сохранять спокойствие /хладнокровие/; I want to keep my conscience clean я хочу, чтобы моя совесть была чиста; keep this day free оставлять этот день свободным; keep smb.'s plans secret держать /хранить/ чьи-л. планы в тайне; keep his things intact оставлять его вещи нетронутыми, не дотрагиваться до его вещей; keep meat (fish, etc.) fresh сохранять мясо и т. д. свежим; keep dinner warm не дать обеду остынуть; you must keep yourself warm тебе нельзя охлаждаться, одевайся теплее; keep a razor sharp следить за тем, чтобы бритва не затупилась /всегда была острой/; keep the children quiet не разрешать детям шуметь, утихомирить детей; keep the patient awake не давать больному засыпать; keep the troops alert держать войска в состоянии боевей готовности; keep the prisoner alive сохранять узнику жизнь; keep one's family safe and sound следить за тем, чтобы в семье все были здоровы; keep people happy давать людям счастье; keep the students (the boys, etc.) busy занимать делом студентов и т. д., keep the саг straight веста машину прямо; keep dictionaries (reference books, brushes, etc.) handy держать /иметь/ словарик и т. д. под рукой
    7. VIII
    semiaux keep smb., smth. doing smth. keep them waiting (him standing, one's mother sitting up, the girl working, etc.) заставлять их ждать и т. д., keep the watch going следить за тем, чтобы часы шли; keep the fire burning поддерживать огонь, не дать костру погаснуть; keep the engine running не выключай мотора; keep a light burning не выключать свет; keep the man going придавать человеку бодрости, поддерживать жизнедеятельность человеческого организма id keep the pot boiling зарабатывать на жизнь, следить за тем, чтобы дела шли; keep the ball rolling поддерживать разговор
    8. IX
    keep smb., smth. in some state keep him interested поддерживать его заинтересованность; keep her advised держать ее в курсе дел, сообщать ей о положении дел /о своих планах и т. п./; keep the headquarters well informed /posted/ постоянно держать штаб в курсе дел, давать в штаб подробную информацию; keep smb. covered держать кого-л. на прицеле; keep one's throat protected закутывать /закрывать/ шею
    9. XI
    1) be kept somewhere be kept in a refrigerator (in a storehouse, on file, in the larder, etc.) храниться в холодильнике и т. д., vegetables were kept in the cellar овощи держали /хранили/ в погребе; be kept for smth. these books (these files, etc.) are kept for reference эти книги и т. д. keep для справок
    3) be kept in some place be kept in prison сидеть в тюрьме; be kept in port быть задержанным в порту; he was kept in bed for a whole week его продержали в постели целую неделю; he was kept in with a flu он сидел дома с гриппом; be kept in some manner be kept under arrest /in custody/ находиться /быть/ под арестом; be kept under lock and key содержаться под замком; be kept somewhere by smth. I am kept here by business меня здесь держат дела; we were kept in by rain мы не могли выйти из-за дождя
    4) be kept for some time milk curdles when it is kept too long когда молоко долго стоит, оно скисает
    5) be kept in some manner the rule (the law, this clause of the treaty, etc.) was punctually kept правило и т. д. точно соблюдалось; his promise (his word) was faithfully kept он оказался верным своему обещанию (своему слову); the secret is solemnly kept тайна строго хранится; the rule is to be kept constantly in mind об этом правиле нельзя ни на минуту забывать; these dates (the festivals, etc.) are solemnly (punctually, usually, etc.) kept эти даты и т. д. торжественно и т. д. отмечаются; be kept somewhere this day is kept all over the world (everywhere, etc.) этот день отмечается во всем мире и т. д.
    6) semiaux be kept in some state the road (the garden, etc.) is well (badly) kept дорога и т. д. содержится в хорошем (в плохом) состоянии; his affairs (his books, her accounts, etc.) are kept in good order его дела и т. д. [находятся] в порядке; the methods are kept up-to-date методы все время совершенствуются /модернизируются/; be kept in repair содержаться в хорошем состоянии, не требовать ремонта; the house (the flat, the hotel, etc.) is kept in repair дом и т. д. содержится в хорошем состоянии; my car is kept in repair моя машина всегда в полном порядке
    7) semiaux be kept doing smth. people don't like to be kept waiting никому не нравится ждать; the firm is kept going фирма продолжает существовать /работать/
    10. XIV
    keep doing smth. keep smiling (walking, writing, moving, etc.) продолжать улыбаться и т. д.; keep asking questions (bothering them, giggling, etc.) беспрестанно /все время/ задавать вопросы и т. д.: the thought kept recurring /running/ through my head эта мысль сверлила мне мозг; his words kept ringing in my ears его слова все время звучали у меня в ушах; the baby kept crying all night ребенок плакал всю ночь; my shoe-laces keep coming undone у меня все время /то и дело/ развязываются шнурки; he keeps changing his plans он то и дело меняет свой планы
    11. XV
    keep in some state keep healthy (fit, inactive, etc.) оставаться здоровым и т. д., keep warm не остывать: keep calm /quiet, cool/ сохранять спокойствие, оставаться спокойным: keep silent /still/ а) хранить молчание; б) не шуметь; keep slender сохранять стройность; keep alert [все время] быть настороже, keep alive остаться в живых; keep aloof держаться особняком; keep awake бодрствовать; keep friendly оставаться по-прежнему дружелюбным; keep quiet about it никому об этом не рассказывать; keep cheerful быть неизменно веселым: the weather keeps fine (cool, dry, clear, etc.) [все. еще] стоит хорошая и т. д. погода; the meat (this milk, etc.) will keep good (sweet) till tomorrow мясо и т. д. до завтрашнего дня не испортится /простоит/
    12. XVI
    1) keep to (along, on, behind, etc.) smth., smb. keep to the house (to one's room, to one's office, etc.) не выходить из дому и т. д., keep to the left (to the right, to the middle of the road, to the side of the road, to the hedge, etc.) держаться левой стороны и т. д., идти по левой стороне и т. д.; keep to the north (to the south, etc.) все время идти /держать курс/ на север и т. д.; don't walk on the grass, keep to the path не ходите по траве, идите по дорожке; keep behind me идите за мной следом; keep along the river (along this road for two miles, along the railway line, etc.) идти вдоль /держаться/ реки и т. д., keep at a distance держаться в отдалении /на расстоянии/; keep abreast of /with/ smth. идти в ногу с чем-л.; keep abreast of the lorry (of the motor launch, etc.) не отставать от грузовика и т. д., keep abreast of /with/ the times идти в ногу со временем; keep abreast of /with/ the latest developments in one's subject (of /with/ the progress in technology, of /with/ the current events, with the news, etc.) быть в курсе последних достижений в своей области и т. д., keep abreast of /with/ the fashion не отставать от моды, следить за модой; keep to one's bed не вставать [с постели], быть больным || keep on good (equal, friendly, etc.) terms with smb. сохранять с кем-л. хорошие и т. д. отношения
    2) keep out of / from/ smth. keep out of danger (out of trouble, out of harm, etc.) избегать опасности и т. д.; keep out of quarrel не вмешиваться /не встревать/ в ссору; keep out of mischief не проказничать, вести себя пристойно; keep out of the (smb.'s) way не вертеться (у кого-л.) под ногами, не мешать (кому-л.); keep from drink не пить /воздерживаться от/ алкогольных напитков
    3) keep for (till, etc.) some time keep for months (for a few days, etc.) сохраняться /стоять/ месяцами и т. д.; these apples will keep till spring эти яблоки могут лежать до весны; keep in (on, etc.) smth. milk (fish, meat, etc.) will keep in the freezer (on ice, etc.) молоко и т. д. в морозильнике и т. д. хорошо сохраняется /не портится/; meat doesn't keep in hot weather в жаркую погоду мясо быстро портится || keep in good health оставаться здоровым, не болеть; keep in good repair быть в хорошем состоянии, не требовать ремонта
    4) keep till (for) smth. the matter (the news, your story, etc.) will keep till morning (for another week, etc.) это дело и т. д. может подождать до утра и т. д., с этим делом и т. д. можно повременить до утра и т. д.
    5) keep to smth. keep to the subject (to the point, to one's argument, to the same course of action, to the truth, etc.) не отклоняться /не отходить/ от темы и т. д.; keep to the rules /to the regulations/ соблюдать правила, действовать в соответствии с правилами; keep to the pattern придерживаться данного образца; keep to one's word /to one's promises, to the pledge/ сдержать данное слово; keep to one's determination неуклонно /твердо/ осуществлять свое намерение; keep to a strict diet соблюдать строгую диету, быть на строгой диете; keep to gruel (to plain food, etc.) сидеть на каше и т. д.; keep to one's native language (to the local dialect, etc.) пользоваться родным языком /говорить на родном языке/ и т. д., keep within smth. keep within one's income (within one's means, etc.) жить в соответствии со своим доходом и т. д., keep within the budget не выходить из бюджета; keep within the law держаться в рамках закона; keep within the bounds of truth and dignity не уклоняться от истины и не терять /не ронять/ достоинства; keep in touch with smb., smth. поддерживать связь /контакт/ с кем-л., чем-л.; keep in touch with everything не отставать от века, быть в курсе всего
    6) keep at smth. keep at the subject (at one's French, etc.) упорно заниматься /работать над/ этим предметом и т. д.; keep at one's studies упорно заниматься; in spite of all we said he kept at the job несмотря на наши увещевания, он упорно делал /продолжал/ свое дело; keep at smb. keep at one's brother приставать к /надоедать/ своему брату; keep at him with appeals for money (for payment, for help, etc.) приставать к нему с просьбами дать денег и т. д.
    13. XVII
    keep from doing smth. keep from laughing (from crying, etc.) удерживаться от смеха и т. д.; I could not keep from smiling (from giving expression to my admiration, etc.) я не мог не улыбнуться и т. д.; I tried to keep from looking at her я старался не смотреть на нее
    14. XVIII
    keep to oneself my father (the boy, etc.) kept generally (most of the time, always, etc.) to himself мой отец и т. д. обычно и т. д. держался особняком / мало с кем общался/; keep smth. to oneself keep the news (the matter, one's impressions, one's remarks, etc.) to oneself держать эти новости и т. д. в тайне, никому не рассказывать этих новостей и т. д.; he kept his sorrow /grief/ to himself он ни с кем не делился своим горем; keep smth. about oneself keep some change about oneself иметь при себе мелочь; I never keep important papers about myself я никогда не ношу с собой важные документы; keep smth. for oneself you may keep the picture for yourself эту картину можете оставить себе /взять себе/ насовсем || keep oneself to oneself а) быть необщительным; б) держаться в стороне, не лезть в чужие дела
    15. XXI1
    1) keep smb., smth. in (at, on, under, eft.) smth. keep the child in bed держать ребенка в постели, не разрешать ребенку вставать; keep a rabbit in a box (lions at the zoo, a prisoner in a cell, a thief in prison, books in a bookcase, a stick in one's hand, etc.) держать кролика в ящике и т. д.; keep one's letters under lock and key держать свои письма под замком; keep a man in custody держать человека под арестом; keep smb. in irons держать кого-л. в кандалах, заковать кого-л. [в цепи]; keep the key in the lock (one's hands in one's pockets, etc.) не вынимать ключ из замка и т. д.; keep a revolver in one's pocket носить револьвер в кармане; keep one's money in a safe хранить деньги в сейфе; keep one's head above water держаться на поверхности; keep the river within its bed не дать реке выйти из берегов, удерживать реку в русле; keep the chain on the door держать дверь на цепочке; keep smb., smth. for some time will you keep my dog for a month? нельзя ли оставить у вас на месяц [мою] собаку?
    2) keep smb., smth. at (from, out of) smth., smb. keep the students at work /at their job/ (at their studies, etc.) не разрешать студентам прекращать работу и т. д., you must keep him at his books вы должны следить, чтобы он усердно занимался; keep the boy at school оставлять мальчика в школе; keep children (workers, etc.) from [their] work (from their task, etc.) не давать детям и т. д. работать и т. д., these books keep me from work эти книги отвлекают меня от работы; keep the boy from school не пустить мальчика в школу; keep him from these people не давать ему общаться или водить дружбу с этими людьми; keep the tears from one's eyes удержать слезы; keep them from danger (the girl from all harm, etc.) уберегать их от опасности и т. д.; keep him out of my way! a) убери его с дороги!; б) пусть он не вертится у меня под ногами!; keep children out of school не пускать детей в школу, не давать детям учиться; keep children out of mischief не давать детям проказничать; keep her out of trouble (out of harm's way, etc.) уберечь ее от неприятностей и т. д.; how can we keep the boy out of her clutches? как нам оградить парня от ее влияния?
    3) keep smth., smb. for (till, etc.) some time keep the fruit till evening оставить фрукты на вечер; she will keep the cake until tomorrow она оставит торт до завтрашнего дня /на завтра/; keep him for an hour задержи его на час; keep smth. for smth., smb. keep this meat for dinner (the wine for company, this bit of gossip for her, etc.) приберегать /оставлять/ это мясо на обед и т. д., keep the money for the future откладывать деньги на будущее; I keep the book for reference я держу эту книгу для справок; keep a seat for me займите мне место; I kept this picture for you я оставил эту картину для вас; keep smth. from smb. keep the news from her friends (something from me, etc.) утаивать эту новость от друзей и т. д., не сообщать эту новость друзьям и т. д., she can keep nothing from him она от него ничего не может скрыть
    4) keep, smb. , smth. in (under) smth. keep the man in a state of fear (in awe of him, in suspense, in ignorance, etc.) держать человека в состоянии страха и т. д.; keep a child in good health [постоянно] следить за здоровьем ребенка; keep the village (enemy troops, etc.) under fire держать деревню и т. д. под огнем /под обстрелом/; keep the house (the ship. etc.) in good condition (in a state of repair, etc.) (содержать дом и т. д. в хорошем состоянии и т. д.; keep smth. under observation держать что-л. под наблюдением || keep him at a distance /at an arm's length/ не подпускать его близко, держать его на расстоянии; keep smb., smth. in mind помнить /не забывать/ кого-л., чего-л.; will you keep me in mind? вы будете иметь меня в виду?; keep smb. in the dark about smth. coll. не сообщать кому-л. /держать кого-л. в неведении/ относительно чего-л.; keep one's wife (one's mother, etc.) in the dark about one's plans держать жену и т. д. в неведении относительно своих планов; keep smb.'s mind off smth. отвлекать кого-л. от чего-л.; keep his mind off his troubles не давать ему думать о неприятностях; keep smb. to his promise /to his word/ вынудить / заставить/ кого-л. сдержать свое обещание ( свое слово); keep track of smth. следить за чем-л.; keep track of events быть в курсе событий, следить за событиями; keep smb., smth. in check сдерживать кого-л., что-л.; keep the epidemic of typhus (the process of erosion, the enemy, etc.) in check препятствовать распространению эпидемии тифа и т. д.
    5) keep smth. for some time if you want to keep fish (meat, butter, etc.) for a long time (for a month, etc.) freeze it если вам надо сохранить рыбу и т. д. подольше /чтобы рыба и т. д. долго полежала/ и т. д., заморозьте ее
    6) keep smb. on smth. keep the patient on a diet (on gruel, on milk, etc.) держать больного на диете и т. д., keep smth. at some level keep the temperature at 80° (the speed at 60 miles per hour, etc.) поддерживать /держать/ температуру на уровне восьмидесяти градусов и т. д. || keep расе /step/ with smb., smth. идти в ногу с кем-л., чем-л., не отставать от кого-л., чего-л.; keep расе with the times (with the events, with the rest of team, etc.) идти в ногу со временем и т. д., keep company with smb. дружить с кем-л.; keep company with grown-up girls водиться /дружить/ со взрослыми девочками
    7) keep smb. at /in/ smth. keep employees at the office (the delegates at the conference, me at home, him in the country, etc.) задерживать служащих на работе и т. д., there was nothing to keep me in England меня ничего больше не задерживало /не удерживало/ в Англии
    8) keep smth. against smb. keep a town (a fort, a castle, a road, etc.) against the enemy защищать город и т. д. от противника; keep smth. at smth. keep the goal at football стоять в воротах, защищать ворота [во время футбольного матча]
    9) keep smb. on smth. he cannot keep a wife on his income на свои доходы он не может содержать жену; keep smb. in smth. coll. keep smb. in cigarettes (in chocolates, in nylons, etc.) хватать кому-л. на сигареты и т. д., keep oneself in clothes (in food, in beer, etc.) обеспечивать себя одеждой и т. д., such jobs barely kept him in clothes такие заработки едва покрывали его расходы на одежду; keep smb. in хате state the miser kept his mother and sister in poverty этот скупец держал свою мать и сестру в нищете
    10) keep smth., smb. for smth. keep fruit (butter, fresh eggs, stamps, postcards, etc.) for sale торговать фруктами и т. д., иметь фрукты и т. д. в продаже; keep dogs (hens, birds, etc.) for sale держать собак и т. д. на продажу || keep eggs (butter, etc.) in store /in reserve/ иметь запасы яиц и т. д.; what do you keep in stock? что у вас есть в наличии /в ассортименте, в продаже/?
    16. XXII
    1) keep smb., smth. from doing smth. keep one's brother from going there (the child from talking too much, etc.) удерживать брата от этой поездки и т. д., не давать брату поехать туда и т. д.; keep him from asking questions не давай /не позволяй/ ему задавать вопросы; keep the enemy from getting to know our plans (the child from hurting himself, the girl from learning too much, etc.) не допустить, чтобы противник узнал о наших планах и т. д.; keep the old man from falling (the fruit from rotting, etc.) не дать старику упасть и т. д.; keep the child from eating too much не допускать, чтобы ребенок ел слишком много; what shall I do to keep this light dress from getting dirty? что мне делать, чтобы это светлое платье не пачкалось /не грязнилось/?; we must do something to keep the roof from falling надо что-то сделать, чтобы не обвалилась крыша; the noise kept him from sleeping шум мешал ему спать; urgent business kept us from joining you срочные дела помешали нам присоединиться к вам
    2) || keep smb., smth. in training поддерживать кого-л., что-л. в хорошей форме; you should keep your memory in training вы должны все время тренировать память; what's the best way of keeping the team in training? как лучше всего держать команду в спортивной форме?
    17. XXIV1
    keep smth. as smth.
    1) keep this photo (this little book, etc.) as a remembrance хранить эту фотографию и т. д. как память
    2) keep the date as a day of mourning (as a jubilee, as a holiday, etc.) отмечать эту дату как день траура и т. д.
    18. XXV
    keep where... keep where you are не трогайтесь с места

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > keep

См. также в других словарях:

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